Saturday, 16 June 2012

How can we as a public help this global animal crisis???
As a public we can take steps to change this global animal crisis by doing the following:


  1. Join your local animal rescue and volunteer.
  2. Check all of our products and look for the buav bunny symbol ie marks &spencers, aldis, tescos
  3. Check websites such as PETA and to ensure they are non animal tested.
  4. Sign petitions at animal rights tables and online. for e.g. Peta got 126,000 signatures just recently regarding Aberdeen Army testing chemicals on monkeys, this has now been stopped thanks to public outcry. This is only one example, there is countless other success stories
  5. The public need to embrace animal and environmental issues as well as human issues.
  6. Boycott Circuses and Zoos
  7. Boycott seal products or any products from companies that derive their products from cruelty.
  8. Dont wear fur ever and test their fake fur.
  9. Rescue animals, never buy from breeder (reputable or not)
  10. Spay/ neuter to control animal population.
  11. Never go to animal entertainment events ie Marine Dolphin parks, anything.
  12. Write letters to your local Tds and government, newspapers to express concern at any issue.
  13.  Adopt a  vegan diet
  14. Make animal awareness a compulsary subject for school kids
  15. Hand out leaflets regarding animal cruelty.
  16.  Leave comments on corrupt websites advertising animal cruelty
  17. Stop hunting and never engage in bloodsports.
  18. Boycott Greyhound, Horse Racing etc
  19. Research movies that use animals before watching.
  20. Share everything you know on facebook, twitter, social media, blogs etc
  21. Tell friends, family, anyone who will listen.
  22. When you witness something, ring Garda/Police and  local animal protection groups ie ISPCA.
  23.  Never buy battery products or even free range. Go organic if you cant go vegan.
  24.  Sign up to PETA, Care2Cause, various animal information sites and educate yourself, sign petiitons and share share share.
  25. Boycott KFC, McDonalds, most fast food outlets.........................

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