Cruelty free beauty products


 "Nothing tastes as good as cruelty free beauty and fashion. No suffering to any animals, 100% ethical and you look great"


Let there be no lie, the writer of this blog is as beauty obsessed as the next person. No-one could deny that we are saturated with images of beauty, and heavily influenced with bizarre ideals,  that if we are beautiful, we will succeed. What truly is beauty however, when each of our taste is different. One man's hell is another man's paradise, is it not? Youth is but a fleeting priveledge bestowed upon us all, so shouldnt we pour some energy and compassion into our inner beauty also.

Firstly, we buy alot of products that are heavily advertised as claiming to solve all our beauty problems, but more often that not, they dont actually work. This would not be of concern to the seller of the product, as they have just made a sale regardless. Many of the bigger brands are tested on animals and that can vary from dogs, cats, mice, rats, rabbits. Evidently the more we buy these products without any questioning of their making, and with no ethical resistance, companies continue to test.

On balance, regardless of the products we paint on ourselves, our features are our features. There is little that can be done, so if we accept what we are born with, and more importantly love our perfections and our faults, maybe we can then be in a position to choose compassionate and ethical buying. 

A helpful thing to do when choosing to change your buying habits and go for100% animal tested free living is to gather all of your products, put on a table and check off the lists below.You can either finish out the product and not re buy it in the future, or some of you will choose to throw it away or donate. Either way, the important thing is to make a promise to yourself, and the animals, that you choose to be loyal to them, and lets face it, many of us dont want to see dogs, cats, rabbits, mice stuck in a cold clinical lab and being tested on, while they cry in fear. It will be without doubt one of the kindest things you will have ever done, and frankly the coolest. Dont forget all products are relevant. See the following list: Washing up liquid (Fairy tests) Washing Powder Toilet Paper Toothpaste Tampons Shaving Gel Deodorant Make up Air fresheners Shower Gel Soap ........ 

Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. The stress, sterility and boredom causes some animals to develop neurotic behaviors such incessantly spinning in circles, rocking back and forth and even pulling out their own hair and biting their own skin. They shake and cower in fear whenever someone walks past their cages and their blood pressure spikes drastically. After enduring lives of pain, loneliness and terror, almost all of them will be killed. More than 100 million animals every year suffer and die in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic tests, biology lessons, medical training exercises, and curiosity-driven medical experiments. Exact numbers aren't available because mice, rats, birds and cold-blooded animals—who make up more than 95 percent of animals used in experiments—are not covered by even the minimal protections of the Animal Welfare Act and therefore go uncounted. 

To test cosmetics, household cleaners, and other consumer products, hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year by cruel corporations. Mice and rats are forced to inhale toxic fumes, dogs are force-fed pesticides, and rabbits have corrosive chemicals rubbed onto their skin and eyes. Many of these tests are not even required by law, and they often produce inaccurate or misleading results; even if a product harms animals, it can still be marketed to you. Cruel and deadly toxicity tests are also conducted as part of massive regulatory testing programs that are often funded by U.S. taxpayers' money. The Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the National Toxicology Program, and the Department of Agriculture are just a few of the government agencies that subject animals to painful and crude tests. How to check your product On 11th March 2009, all animal testing of cosmetics in the EU stopped thanks largely to two decades of campaigning by the BUAV and the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE). But there is a catch. A ‘marketing’ ban that will ensure no animal tested cosmetics are sold in the EU is in jeopardy.

 This marketing ban allows three types of animal tests to be carried out outside the EU for cosmetics sold within the EU until March 2013. The reason is to allow non-animal alternative tests to be developed and approved (‘validated’). Now European Commission officials are considering whether non-animal alternatives will be ready in time for March 2013. Already, a report by scientists is recommending that the ban be delayed even longer – for up to 10 years in some cases. If they get their way it could mean 10 more years during which thousands of rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats will be injected, gassed, or force-fed and killed worldwide for cosmetics sold in the EU. Please sign the petition and say NO to cruel cosmetics in Europe: 

 Two companies to start avoiding without delay: P& G and Nestle 

For a complete list of Companies that do and do not test, please click into the following resources. It may help to print off these lists and carry in your handbag.

For up to date announcments on animal testing, see..

Good luck with the guilt free beauty boys & girls !!!!

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